In Everlasting Memory of Smt. Ashima Nandi
(22-08-1955 to 11-12-2020)
Some Sweet memories shared by her ex-colleagues of Aditya Birla Vani Bharati
অসীমাদি’ বলেলই ভেসে ওঠে একজন শান্ত, স্নিগ্ধ, মৃদুভাষী মানুষের মুখ, যার কাছে সকলেই অকপটে যেকোনো সমস্যার কথা জানাতে পারে এবং তিনিও তৎক্ষণাৎ তার সাধ্যমত সাহায্যের হাত বাড়িয়ে দেন। সেই মানুষটা আজ এই পার্থিব জগতে নেই, তা বিশ্বাস করা শুধু কষ্টকর নয়, বিস্ময়করও। তুমি আমাদের মধ্যেই আছো অসীমাদি’। যেখানেই থাকো ভালো থেকো।
-মন্দিরা অধিকারী।
Ashima di…..
Our Beloved…..
Embodiment of Limitless Kindness & Generosity….
Trustworthy, Cheerful…..
Her love has left indelible imprint in my memories….
(नैनं छिन्दन्ति शस्त्राणि)
-Varsha Dadhich
Gone from our side but never from our mind – Please accept my sincere condolence
-Subha Sengupta
Gone from our sight but never from our hearts.
– Sukla Chatterjee
I have spent 32 long years working together. She was like my elder sister guiding me all the time. My condolences to her family and may God give them the strength to face the situation.
-Krishna Dutta Gupta
Ashima Madam,
May your soul rest in peace in the Garden of Eden.
– Suchismita Dey
Learnt many things from her in Examination Control Room. May her soul rest in peace.
– Pritha Ganguly
Dear Ma,am
May your soul be a part of the eternity and rest in peace eternally in the Abode of Paradise.
– Srijita Sanyal
Today the day started on a sad note with the news of the demise of our loving retired teacher Mrs. Ashima Nandi. She was very hardworking and always ready to help others silently in any circumstances with a smile on her face. She was our Work Education teacher and her artistic skill was evident in her intricate needle-work and every piece of craft. May her soul rest in peace.
– Sangeeta Gupta
“The loss of Ashima Madam” will be felt by many. I know words do little to ease the pain. My thoughts and prayers are with her family.
– Jayanti Dutta
I am deeply sorry to hear about the passing of Ashima Mam. My condolences to her family.
– Tamali Haque
I remember her as a very silent worker, loving, caring and ever helpful. I will miss those days when I learnt knitting from her during winter time. Hope that you remain in peace in your next journey.
– Mummy Pal
আজ থেকে প্রায় চৌদ্দ বছর আগে বাণী ভারতীতে শিক্ষকরূপে যোগ দেওয়ার পরেই অসীমাদির সাথে আলাপ ঘনিষ্ঠ হয়েছিলো। খুব মৃদুভাষীণী এবং স্নেহপ্রবণ মহিলা ছিলেন। আমাকে ছোটো ভাইয়ের মতো স্নেহ করতেন, প্রয়োজনে শাসনও করতেন। আর্ট ও ক্রাফট বিষয়ের শিক্ষিকারূপে তাঁকে ছাত্র-ছাত্রীদের খুব স্নেহ করতে দেখেছি। ওঁর পুত্রও এই বিদ্যালয়ে আমার ছাত্র ছিলো। ওঁর অকস্মাৎ মৃত্যুতে খুব ব্যথা অনুভব করেছি। ওঁর আত্মার শান্তি কামনা করি। ওঁর পরিবারবর্গকে আমার সমবেদনা জানাই। — রূপক সামন্ত, শিক্ষক।
-Rupak Samanta
Words will never be enough to express our condolence for you.
Nothing can be compared with the loss today. We are deeply saddened to hear this but we want you to know that you’re never alone when it comes to carrying the load of grief.
We all will sincerely pray to God that he relieves your family of this unbearable pain. May you find peace in the warmth of love and friendship that surrounds you.
– Chaitali Sengupta
Ashima Nandi a retired teacher of Aditya Birla Vani Bharati passed away . She was very helpful and energetic teacher. We missed her with a great sorrow.
-Asha Roy
आशिमा दी,आपकी मधुर स्मृतियाँ सदैव हमारे ह्रदय में जीवंत रहेंगी।आपका मधुर और शांत स्वभाव हम सभी को हमेशा प्रेरित करता रहेगा।ईश्वर आपकी दिवंगत आत्मा को शांति प्रदान करें।
-किरण द्विवेदी
मैम, आप की स्मृतियाँ हमें सदैव स्मरण रहेंगी।आप जहाँ भी हैं ईश्वर आपकी आत्मा को शांति प्रदान करें।
-वंदना वर्मा
I am falling short of word at the sudden demise of Ashima Madam. She will be always remembered for her cooperation and help. May her soul rest in peace.
-Bithi Laha
Good people leave us a little sooner than others. I fall short of words to express my grief over Ashima Ma’am being no longer with us. She touched lives without leaving a space for doubt in our hearts. She was a very patient and warm person, always welcoming people with a smile, be it here colleagues or even the naughtiest students in school. Spreading positivity with her presence around, indeed she was one of the best people I have come across. No words can take away the pain of such a loss. Offering my deepest condolences for her family. May she rest in peace and be happy wherever she is. 🌼
-Sabita Singh